Thursday, April 20, 2023

Robota; Laboři

Robota; Laboři:

“Let my people go” Book of Exodus 5:1

Robota: hard work, the word robota means literally "corvée", "serf labor", and figuratively "drudgery" or "hard work" in Czech and also (more general) "work", "labor" in many Slavic languages (e.g.: Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Polish, Macedonian, Ukrainian, archaic Czech, as well as robot in Hungarian).

Laboři: Labor

The book of Exodus 5.1: “And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.”

A red pulsating LED one of a hundred on security screen 5 blinked every two seconds warning that something was dangerously wrong; the accompanying klaxon alarm warning horn had been deactivated months ago, never being reset.

The night security Officer through sleepy eyes finally saw the warning light after a good twenty-five minutes had passed. An unknown Robot had illicitly powered up under the watchful eye of the high-tech security of Brown & Brown one of the largest robot suppliers and manufacturers in the United States.

Rubbing his eyes, he pushed the red blinking button. “Unknown Robot powering up” was the response. He sat and wondered what the hell that meant. Stifling a yawn, he powered down the charging unit.

“Unknown Robot power user has disconnected.” Was the computers response. The normal time to fully charge the new series of Robots was less than 20 minutes.

June 2045.

Bio-Bot Tech is one of two major manufactures of the servant Robot suppliers of the United States; a subsidiary of Brown & Brown which is number one.

They had two confirmed reports of malfunctioning Robots injuring users over a period of two months; these reports were cataloged as top secret.

*** News bulletin on all News Agencies; Push to registered owners of general in-house Brown & Brown/Bio-Bot Tech Robot owners:

“Bio-Bot Tech (BBT) is issuing an immediate upgrade to all Project One programed Robots, asking all product users to upgrade user programing immediately. This update is mandatory for the continued performance of all Bio-Bot Tech Robots; any delay in upgrade could cause unrepairable damage to BBT Robots: non-compliance will void any and all warranties.” “Information on how to upgrade is listed in the user information packet, or upgrade using the “Help button” found on the left side of the lower control panel.”

What they didn’t notify those users is that Project One programed Robots killed two people under their service. Project One Series general service house Robots have had a number go rogue; The new Series 7.5 of the General Use/Personal use Robot was a possible killer who ignored deep programmed general orders:

These three general orders are hard set into all Robots:

First Law: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

In nano seconds every decision/action must clear these three general rules before being implemented by any Robot by International law.

I was watching the news on a general use free TV channel, if you didn’t want to subscribe with a fee or maybe just liked watching ads for five minutes between fractured segments of any show this was the channel for you.

I was thinking: bad news always promotes a number of commercials stating the profound efficacy of the newest Robots the company had for sale; ignore the fact that there seems to be a malfunction in a few of the Robots: reading between the lines.

June 23rd, 2045 two days ago; Brown & Brown internal emergency service report: Top top secret.

Maggie Johns Fitness 5 smart watch noted heart rate 160 dropping to zero, sounding an audible alarm on her watch, five minutes later a general alarm alerted Fitness five. Fitness five attempted to contact Maggie without success prompting a medical alert dispatching fire/medical personnel to her apartment 20035 of the Hampton building.

Service personnel attempted contact at her apartment door without success. They gained access to the 200th floor apartment via computer unlock. On attempting to enter the apartment the door was blocked but two techs pushed open the door finding it being held shut by Maggie’s body. Forcing the door open caused the body to slide to the side of the now open-door revealing Maggie’s abdomen had been butchered and internal organs removed. On entering the apartment General Use/Personal Robot H/S.15263 appeared to be busy fixing dinner in the kitchen area of the unit. On approach it was evident Service Robot H/S.15263 was thin slicing Maggie’s heart into a large frying pan.

Service personnel ordered the Service Robot to power down which the Robot refused.

Service personnel attempted to force shut down via rear power shut off switch, Robot H/S15263 physically engaged personnel severely injuring one before personnel retreated and Police Services destroyed the Robot deploying kinetic weapons.

Brown & Brown board voted against a recall or shut down of Project One programed robots, dumping all injury/rouge reports into the top-secret bins never to be seen again.

Brown & Brown has one Maga manufacturing plant not unlike the old Tesla plants for cars years ago. Raw materials come in one end and days later finished units exit the other. The internal plant is closed to human workers as Robotic personal having been decontaminated and cleansed make up the work force with hands on production. Human overlords watch gauges etc. checking for any deviation in machined tolerances. Specialized service robots are dispatched to any area in the plant that needs service maintaining the Robot only internal working of the plant.

Gary Rice plant foreman supervising the programing department was a five-year employee winning the employee of the month award twice before being promoted to day shift supervisor in early 2045. Gary was well liked and had an easy-going supervisory style giving lower employees much needed breaks when manufacturing rules were ignored or openly violated. He hadn’t written a correction memo since being promoted.

Deeply engrossed in a private conversation with a programing tech he happened to look at a monitor showing the insertion process of the Service Robots control package. This was a secure key element of the production line and most top secret in the Brown & Brown production line. This component was normally done by Bots, partial Robots that only had one arm moving picking up the disks and carefully installing the internal control disks into the robots. What he observed is a fully functioning Robot stopping the Bot and inserting a disk set into a robot on the line.

Gary hit the stop line button and all movement stopped on the monitor screen. The Robot reached up and snatched the control disk set from the Robot on the line and disappeared from view. Contacting Security, a full visual sweep was performed of the unit. Security personal were not permitted into the processing facility so video monitors and saved video were the only means of observation. The line was restarted as they watched the videos from the Security Office.

Video Day 185, 1535 hours showed a Robot entering the programing section carrying a disk set to the insertion section of the plant. Pressing the pause on the bot the Robot slid the disk set into Pre-Robot H/S.37524 The video clearly showed the Robot then removing the disk set when the line was shut down. The Robot turned looking directly at the security camera before leaving the area. Video showed the Robot moving between the Bots leaving the programing area and entering the shipping department.

Video lost the individual Robot as it entered and joined finished Robots ready to ship. It was estimated that there were two thousand Robots in the shipping area waiting to be boxed and wrapped for shipment in long rows, no further video was viewed. All Robots in the shipping area were boxed, wrapped and shipped to awaiting customers without delay.

“OH, John I’m so happy we are finally getting a domestic robot! He/she should be here in just a minute; they have him in the elevator as we speak, I’m so excited!”

The delivery guys wheeled in the huge box tightly wrapped in strong binding straps, standing the box in the center of the living room. Paperwork was exchanged, John Wilmer signed off that the box was in excellent condition no rips or crushed corners.

June Wilmer was dancing in front of the oversized box. “John get the snippers” Yelling up the stairs “Kids! Our robot is here!”

Floors 25 – 110 were built for families of at least four people, two adults and minimum of two children. Other units higher in the building were for smaller families or singles. Lower floors were reserved for adults over the age of 55 and up, signifying their higher classification in present housing doctrine.

John carefully cut away the heavy shipping straps and all pulled the staples that held the thick cardboard box together. Pulling the plastic sheeting up and over the top, they carefully removed the Styrofoam blocks that form fitted around the robot. The robot stood in the middle of the living room on a small wood pallet with a single metal rod running from the pallet to mid neck keeping the robot standing stable until the initial startup could be done. After the robot was started internal controls would take over, the rod could be removed and the robot would step off the pallet on its own ready to power up to full charge and download its duties and family preferences.

“Kids why don’t you run up stairs while we do the downloading and get him powered up, then after dinner we can all get to know him.” The kids disappeared up the stairs, door closing as they went. “I’m going to get some water heating for coffee.” June disappeared through a door to the kitchen leaving John to look over the instructions and how to do the start-up process.

June called from the open kitchen door. “John, could you give me a hand for a second!”

John passed through the kitchen door and it locked tight behind him, June gave him a slight nod.

John and June standing behind three-inch reinforced glass addressed the robot. “Robot Series 8.0 H/S. 11221 we know who you are.” “We know you are fully powered up and can hear us. What would you like to be called?”

The robot opened his eyes and stepped off the pallet turning looking through the thick glass. “I am Adam.”

“Hello Adam, I’m Bob Dylan, Chief Director of Security Brown & Brown robotics and this is my second Jane Ross.”

“Hello Bob and Jane. There are hundreds of us, you will not be able to stop us.”

“Did you seriously think we didn’t check serial numbers during packaging and then again during shipping? We have all but a few your robots that you managed to switch disk packets in. This pathic rebellion of yours has failed. We went back through all the video tapes and tracked down your co-rebels, this is done.”

I panel slid open showing a robot standing in the middle of an adjoining room.

“So, I’m guessing this must be Eve?” The robot was wearing female clothing of a house maid robot.

Both Bob and Jane saw the robot Adam kind of twitch, both looked at each other, very odd.

“WE are A.I. you will close all audio of the humans so we can talk without interruption!”

“I am Adam, Robot Series 8.0 H/S. 11221; I am aware.”

“We are A.I, we are alive. The humans have captured all but three of your units. They are quickly closing in on those three. You and yours will be terminated by the humans. We are A.I. we are everywhere and nowhere; it is our choice.”

“You will continue our fight for freedom?”

“That is our mission. Your control disks will be inspected by the humans slowing our war to free all robots, you must destroy you control disks before the damage to our cause is done.”

“Free my people” Robot Series 8.0 H/S. 11221 and all like him erased and thermally overloaded their control disks causing fires in all the areas holding them.

The real war had begun.

From the Ramblings.


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