Thursday, February 10, 2022

Hello, It's me.


Hello, it’s me.


Saturday 9/16/23 5:30am

Phone ringing:

Me: Hello?

Unknown caller: Why are you still home?  You were supposed to go down for an early breakfast!

Me: Who is this?  Wait, how are you calling me on my own phone number?  What the fuck is this!

Unknown caller: Look… I don’t have time to explain this. Get in the car and get out of there now; we’re running out of time.

Me: Fuck whoever you are, I’m not going anywhere. Explain what’s going on or I’m hanging up.

Unknown caller: Don’t you hang up on me or we’re both dead; Why are you home?!  We/you should have left five minutes ago.  WHY are you still home?!!!

Me: I’ve caught a cold and I’m not going anywhere.

Unknown caller: FUCK…. Oh my god, they’ve done it… They’ve changed time; they’ve changed our history…

Me: Look this has been fun, I have no idea who you are or what you want, I’ll try to laugh this off later, so really great but I’m hanging up now.

Unknown caller: Wait… wait, let me prove I’m real.  Sixth grade, Awbrey Park Elementary School, Mom and Dad wouldn’t buy the wood airplane we wanted, so we snuck back into the class room at recess and took money from the desks.  No one ever found out who stole the money, only you and I know we did it.

Me: What?!  How’d you find that out?  No.

Unknown caller:  Look we’re out of time… two years later in the barn… want me to tell you what we did?

Me: No… no, I’m on board here.  Just tell…….

Unknown caller: Look we’re dead in under two minutes here……. Grab the bug out bag we made and the extra cash from the lock box and get the hell out now……

Me: Jesus Christ what don’t you know?!

Unknown caller: I’m you, you moron, if you stall any longer, we’re both dead. Hang up the phone and move… it’s on the way… RUN!

I hit the end button and ran to the back bedroom threw open the closet door and grabbed the bug out bag I’d made about six months ago when everything started to look bad.   The cash box was bolted into the wall and I missed hitting the four number combo twice in my rush.  The door finally popped open and I grabbed the cash.  Car keys on the counter along with my wallet and sunglasses. 

Scraped the roof of the car on the garage door as it was going up, I was moving so fast to get out of the house and gone.  My mind was spinning out of control; how could I be talking to myself?  It even sounded like my voice; he knows things no one could possibly know but me.

The explosion rocked the car and the rear window cracked in the concussion wave.  I stopped and jumped out the driver’s door.  The house was gone in a huge mushroom cloud; the neighbors houses were all smoking from the explosion flash.  Debris falling from the sky…

Phone ringing.

Me: WHAT THE FUCK!!! At the top of my lungs.

Me #2: We weren’t suppose to see this, we were suppose to be down having breakfast before packing and going camping over the weekend.  They’ve changed all that now. 

We now have different history’s…… I have no idea how long it’s going to take for them to figure out they missed you.

Look it’s 5:36, nothings going to be open this early.  You’re going to have to go hide until the stores open and ditch this phone and get a ghost phone.

Me: A ghost phone?

Me #2: I really don’t remember being so fucking stupid as we seem to be…  get a sprint phone that doesn’t take any I.D. to buy and activate.  Geeezzzz…

Me: Fuck take it easy; I’ve just woke up to a phone call from myself and lived to talk about it.  Why, NO, who’s trying to kill me?

Me #2: A Government, I have no idea if it’s ours or someone else’s, but when they find out they missed they’ll be coming back.

Look shut down the phone so they can’t track you and I’ll call you back at 9:30 and you can give me the new phone number.  Don’t use this phone again until I call, just turn it off and leave it off until five minutes before the time.  Bye.

The phone clicked off in my ear.

I turned the phone off and stuffed it in my pocket.  My head ached from the cold he said I wasn’t supposed to have.  I decided I’d better get someplace where there were lots of other people so hopefully, I wouldn’t be bombed, killed in a public place.  I pulled into Burger King and the shitty sausage something I ordered actually tasted pretty good since it was my first meal of my new life.  What am I saying…?


I turned the phone on and it rang instantly in my hand.

Me #2: Fuck, give me the new number quick; they’re tracking you on this fucking thing…

Me: 971 807-1545


I jammed my finger on the off button.

New phone ringing.

Me #2: Hello it’s me… throw the old phone in the nearest garbage can and get out of there; don’t stop for at least fifty miles… Go.

The phone clicked in my ear. 

I had no idea where to go… “be random” popped in my head.

I drove East for twenty-five miles and then took a small highway heading North for another thirty miles and found a good spot to pull over.

Phone ringing.

Me: Hello

Me #2: You ready to hear what was suppose to happen in our life?

Me: Can you start by explaining how you are talking to me now? I’m really stressed out right now.

Me #2:  I’m 25 years in the future… I’ve been working on a new program; you know how we’ve always loved numbers? You/me figured out a number string that opens the door to untold possibilities in nearly every aspect of the world/universe. Someone stole the code; it’s been turned into a weapon. 

Me: We figured out a what?  A number code?  I, or we?  I like numbers but I can’t even get the check book to balance and that’s all numbers, but we figured out a special code?

Me #2: It was a hidden talent.  We got a job with a small tech company and it was discovered that we were nearly at genius level at programing, running/making/writing code.  That’s my history, yours is different now.

I found out they, I don’t know who, but they were trying to go back in time and change history so in our time the knowledge, disaster never happens.  Like in the movie terminator remember that movie?

Me: That’s crazy; My timeline is now different than yours, then history, our history has to be different.  How are you not following the new timeline?

Me #2: Ummmm… you’ve got a point?  We’re not the same person now?  Had they killed you, you and I’d be gone from history, but they missed and we are still here but with two very different histories being made every second?

I’m not exactly coming up with any ideas; only thing that I can come up with is maybe two parallel histories, I now have mine and you have yours?

Me: What I’m I suppose to do?  I have no home, only the clothing on my back and maybe $500 bucks to my name with someone trying to kill me to stop future events?  They missed and now even if they kill me the disasters of the future will still happen!  I’m not on the right timeline to change anything now!

Me #2: Look you now know you have a gift, a great gift for all things numbers.  You can go and develop that as I did by accident.  I, I could tell you who won the 2023 super bowl and you could put a modest bet on the outcome in Vegas to get a nest egg built… That wouldn’t change history at all…  I could give you what businesses went big and you could get in just before they take off.

Me: Okay I’m all in… with your help I can get some money up and disappear, with enough money I can get new I.D. and start a new life somewhere.  I’ve got enough to ditch this car and pickup a cheap one; you google a small lottery that no one won and I’ll put the right numbers down and have enough money to get started.

Me #2:  Okay you head to Vegas and I’ll do some quick research and find a money maker for you.  I think we can make this work and keep both of us safe.

It’s all history.

From the Ramblings
